Podstars uses desk.ly to design its company's hybrid workplace
Who is Podstars?
Podstars is the leading podcast company in Germany and was founded in 2015. Their mission is to produce and market podcasts with different focuses. In doing so, they are also available to provide advice at any time. These categories include, for example, entertainment, food, sports, business, advice, finance, news and culture.
The Podstars network includes Tim Mälzer with "Fiete Gastro", Barbara Schöneberger with "Mit den Waffeln einer Frau" and Mats Hummels with "Alleine ist schwer". Other podcasts such as "Chatgeflüster", "Unter Dry", "Lanz & Precht" or "Fussball MML" are also part of the Podstars shows.
Flex Office und Shared Desk in der Arbeitswelt bei Podstars: Das hybride Arbeitsmodell
With desk.ly's desk sharing application and hybrid workplace solution, home office can easily and conveniently be combined with the office. The flexible working concept consists of a combination of office work on the company's premises and remote work, whether from home, co-working places or abroad.
Employee satisfaction is very easy to integrate into the daily work routine thanks to the uncomplicated desk.ly application. The user interface is intuitive and therefore popular with the Berliner Stadtwerke. Integration with Google or Microsoft services is also included. The SSO option with the connection to MS Azure, Office 365 and Google can be used.
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Feel free to make an appointment for a free demo. Our colleagues will introduce you to our desk sharing tool and answer all your questions. Find out whether flex office with desk sharing is the right hybrid workplace concept for your company and really offers the possibilities to optimise the working environment and increase your employee satisfaction.