
Our shared desk calculator

Our shared desk calculatorThe aim of desk sharing is to use the available resources in a company more effectively in order to save costs and optimise them. The assumption is that workplaces that are shared by employees are less likely to be empty.


Nowadays, and especially during the Corona pandemic, not all employees are in the office at the same time and need their own workplace with a desk, a chair, a cabinet, etc. Currently  many people work from their home office and only come to the office on certain dates or desired days. This means that workplaces are empty and cupboards also remain unused, as hardly any private belongings are left in the office. How this will develop after the pandemic remains to be seen. However, we can assume that many companies will stick to this alternation between home office and office..

Hence the consideration: Do we still need so many workplaces? Can we reduce the office space and thus save costs if we only need a few tables, chairs and a large cupboard with boxes for the employees' private belongings?

Desk sharing is a good way to make the best use of available resources. The prerequisite for this is to know how many desks are actually needed and how many employees can fit into the current office space.

If you would like to have an overview of how many costs you could save by desk sharing in your company, download our "Shared Desk Calculator - powered by" free of charge here.  With the help of this calculator file, in which you can enter your company-based office equipment, it is easy to calculate your potential savings and display them graphically.

If you would like more information on this topic or need help, please contact us!

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