By March 2023, seasonally and calendar-adjusted, almost 46 million employed people residing in Germany were registered - which corresponds to almost everyone in Germany who is capable of working, excluding pensioners and people under the age of 18. But why do we actually work? And what does working mean for us beyond finances and survival?
List of content:
- Why do we work?
- The underestimated importance of work
- Let's get to work!
1. Why do we work?
Work is important for several reasons and plays a significant role in the life of every individual and in society. The importance goes far beyond the financial and economic: working also means personal growth, meaning and social connections. But let's take a closer look:
One of the most obvious reasons for working is, of course, financial stability: work provides us with an income with which we can meet our basic needs, support the family and maintain a certain level of financial stability. Closely related are the aspects of economic growth and social progress: work drives innovation, productivity and the creation of goods and services that improve people's lives.
While work is essential for the above reasons, it is also important to find a healthy balance between work and personal life and to ensure that work does not overshadow other aspects of life, such as personal relationships, leisure and one's own well-being.
In this sense, work provides personal development: new skills can be acquired, knowledge expanded and new experiences gained. Especially by mastering challenges and achieving goals and progress, personal development is often accompanied by feelings of fulfilment and satisfaction.
In this context, meaningfulness is also often spoken of: A career that aligns with one's interests, values and passions can significantly increase satisfaction. In addition, it also enables the individual to make a positive difference, to contribute to society and to find a sense of fulfilment in their achievements.
Finally, of course, the social component should not be neglected. Work offers many opportunities for social interaction and contact, which strengthens belonging and builds a social network. This in turn results in a sense of identity, which also increases self-esteem.
2. The underestimated importance of work
In everyday life, the importance of work is often underestimated because there is too much focus on its economic value. Other perspectives, on the other hand, are rarely taken and not sufficiently included in work design. For example, non-monetary rewards remain undervalued or an imbalance between work and private life arises because work cannot be aligned with personal interests and values.
Meanwhile, it is known that work has a deeper meaning, so the multidimensionality of work should be recognised and appreciated in order to better understand its importance for our lives and society.
3. Let's get to work!
In this sense, work should always be viewed holistically and designed consciously. Employees and employers should work together to find a good balance that creates a productive working environment for all. A first step can be to internalise and specifically promote the multidimensional effects on the individual and society.
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